Thursday 24 July 2014

Scottish Scorcher Surprise

Yes my grand plan of competitions for all of last week has died off in the shock of a rare stunner of a Scottish Summer. Between a hectic broiling in the workplace, and lurking around my house searching for a cool spot; I am more than a little worn out and starting to melt.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Competition Time ~ Model Undercover

Right time to celebrate and spread the word about my fabulous blog!
First up we have book 1 in the Model Undercover series by former fashion model Carina Axelsson.
A Crime of Fashion, a great crime solving detective set against the backdrop of Paris Fashion Week. Ideal for young teens, and adults as well if I'm honest!

Competition Time ~ Mission Survival

Still with me? Great because there's more!
Next up we have book 1 in the Mission Survival series by Special Forces television star and adult author Bear Grylls
Gold of The Gods is a great adventure survival story for young teens and definitely starts the series off with a bang. 

Wednesday 16 July 2014

200,000 Views Shocker

Well guys and gals, I've made it : 200,000 views. When I started this blog in February 2013, I honestly expected nothing other than a few lost people stumbling across my mumbles. By March I had 428 views and I was over the moon, just over a year later and last month alone I had 55,000 views. I think its fair to say this has been a bigger success that I could ever have hoped.

I know that the competitions have helped my profile greatly, but I like to think that the reviews have been helpful to some. I would even hazard a guess that the topical rants and thoughts are interesting to a few of my more dedicated readers.

Over the past year my life has changed drastically with the addition of gainful employment added to my repertoire of reviewing goddess and perfect mother (tongue in cheek obviously). Far from giving up the blog, I feel that it has pushed me harder to better utilise my free time, not that it stops me spending far too long on Facebook each day!

Unfortunately I occasionally feel it's a pointless exercise, when I started I was so hopeful I set up Google Adsense for advertising. I was refused until I started getting regular 500 views a day, but I got there. That was a short lived adventure into the world of commercial writing, at 1500 views a day my account was blocked and after multiple appeals I still don't know why. Re-reading the miles of terms and conditions hasn't helped and I can't get an answer form the conglomerate itself. If you know some-one looking to advertise let them know I'm right here!

I think I shall plod on regardless; spreading the good word of new gadgets and gimmicks, airing my opinion more professionally than the Metro or Yahoo reporters, and running occasional competitions. Fingers crossed for the future and proper recognition of my endless talents!