Thoughts 'N' Comps

House Hold Chores Burn Calories ~ Ideal for Women!

As stated on the Good Housekeeping website house work can have practical benefits for the modern day women. Shame they felt the need to start the article with a 1950's style image of a woman and young girl doing housework. Sexism excels again! Why do women need to combine their apparent two main goals in life!


Indyref Take 2 ~ Anti Scottish Establishment

At the risk of turning into a pseudo political rant blog I must admit extreme disappointment with the uneducated response to a second Independence referendum for Scotland. The fake newspapers and BBC outlets all decried Scotlands chance for freedom, even STV insinuated that to offer voters a chance to decided based on the changed situation was a poor mistake.


Westminster ~ Bigots and the Globally Blind

First off let me state clearly that I not only have no respect for any for of terrorist or live taker. I believe that this attack was a disgusting act by someone who had no moral compass.

I also found the outpouring of pity to be largely hidden by the sheer mass of uneducated racists. Bigots that sought to monopolise on the fear by spouting their ridiculous beliefs. Beliefs that almost directly mirrored that of the ISIS terrorists.


How to Engage on Social Media ~ Awesome Author

Now for a little bit of back ground my eldest daughter has been fangirling over Cathy Cassidy; since we received information on her books in 2013 (initial blog), so just a little while. I admit to encouraging following of authors, musicians and artists online as I believe it's a great way to meet like minded people and keep up to date with new books and developing works. I know everyone leads such busy lives thats why I am always impressed when a role model takes the time to give something back to their fans.


Cringe Worthy Karaoke

Image result for real life or is this just fantasy

Have you ever had one of those moments where you misheard a lyric and it forever changed the song for you. Of course you have. Anyone who has listened to rambling 80's Ballads, hard core shouty Rock or even manic Rap, will have suffered from an aural misfire. 

Well confession time: I've just suffered from a grenade launcher of a deeply inappropriate aural explosion.  


Losing my grip

Standing there, looking down at the distant ground, I could feel gravity calling.
My unattended cigarette a tiny beacon fighting with the streetlights for recognition.
The high strung emotions that warred in my head seconds previous dissipated.
Nothing seemed of consequence, apart from the inexorable grip of emptiness.


Watership Down ~ Who Knew It Was Traumatic?

I love the outrage that flies so easily to the surface when parents randomly decide to take umbrage at some imagined slight, and become fully fledged flag waving advocates of wrapping our young in cotton wool.
Yes I do fully understand the need to shield our offspring from the greater evils of the surrounding world. However I find the hypocritical outcry over a poor choice in an aired television film distasteful.


Gateway Taxes and Psychic Powers ~ British Budget 2016



Lanark Local Classes & Activities


Hope For Creativity 2015


Tribute to Mother's Day

Ah... the glorious marketing hell that is our tribute to Mothers Day. Never on the same day, but with advertising starting when Valentine displays are being removed, it's pretty tough to miss.I remember the squabbling about who was carrying the tea or the toast...


On The Fence ~ Or In My Face you ever had that awkward moment when some one shares their opinion, only for you to sit in stunned silence because its exactly what you told them days ago. We've all had that happen I'm sure, most likely a sign that they were only half listening at the time (if at all!). The real fun lies when you've had a strong debate (shouting match) about it hours or days ago, which ended with you being told how unformed and stupid your views were.



Hope For Creativity ~ Take 2!

Well after an eventful end to my last attempt I tried again. I was feeling desperate and irritated at the waste of time and initially messed about with some other ideas. I won't show you the awful outcome, but I now know my talents do not cover unicorns, butterflies, mermaids or generally anything that could ever be termed animal.


Scottish Home Baking Awards 2014 Cake Winners

Scottish Home Baking Awards 2014


Double deal competition, this time we have  Spatopia London  Dead Sea Body Wash 250ml and Spatopia London Dead Sea Body Scrub!

Obviously brand new and unopened. A great little gift for the woman in your life, or a cheeky wee treat for yourselves.


October Hair Treat Competiton


Hope For Creativity 2014


Stay at Home Mum to Funtioning Team Player

Those of you who may know me might be aware that I live predominately online, as if this wasn't noticeable by my blogging and networking sites. However I have in recent months dipped my toe in the murky waters of reality.
A common issue for most stay at home mothers is the inability to have an adult conversation. Warning signs include talking at length to charity collection people (because its often the only adult conversation you will have for days!) and shouting at over excited presenters of children's TV. Realistically a little part time employment was in order before I completely regressed into singing Cbeebies theme tunes and making sentences from alphabet letters.


Box of OMG Review ~ Box 7 Competition  [Ended]

It's time for the seventh Box of OMG, from the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome, this box is aimed mainly at girls. As usual the goodies were varied to appeal to a range of ages, but you have got to love a Moshi Monsters plushy. 
There's also a competition at the end to win this months featured book, so keep reading!


Box of Awesome Review ~ Box 9 Competition [Ended]

Box 9 of Box of Awesome is full of lots of paper was my initial reaction, but after a quick ruffle through the pile I was actually quite impressed with the haul this time. From sweets to books, and a jumbo collection of Wheres Wally, which sent me right back to childhood! I received the Mega Box this time, and there's a competition at the end so keep reading.


Scottish Scorcher Surprise

Yes my grand plan of competitions for all of last week has died off in the shock of a rare stunner of a Scottish Summer. Between a hectic broiling in the workplace, and lurking around my house searching for a cool spot; I am more than a little worn out and starting to melt.


Competition Time ~ Mission Survival [Ended]

Still with me? Great because there's more!
Next up we have book 1 in the Mission Survival series by Special Forces television star and adult author Bear Grylls
Gold of The Gods is a great adventure survival story for young teens and definitely starts the series off with a bang. 

Competition Time ~ Model Undercover [Ended]

Right time to celebrate and spread the word about my fabulous blog!
First up we have book 1 in the Model Undercover series by former fashion model Carina Axelsson.
A Crime of Fashion, a great crime solving detective set against the backdrop of Paris Fashion Week. Ideal for young teens, and adults as well if I'm honest!


200,000 Views Shocker

Well guys and gals, I've made it : 200,000 views. When I started this blog in February 2013, I honestly expected nothing other than a few lost people stumbling across my mumbles. By March I had 428 views and I was over the moon, just over a year later and last month alone I had 55,000 views. I think its fair to say this has been a bigger success that I could ever have hoped.


The Lies of Secret Keepers

The phrase 'can you keep a secret' is abused from playground age until it turns into a ridiculous form of grandstanding. They are really asking if it is okay to use you as a sounding board to justify their choices or opinions. I'm sure we've all heard a 'secret' rumour or been confided in over a matter of questionable choice. Surely by confiding in another, the person in question is actually saying that they can't be trusted to keep their own silence.


Competition for The Thirteen Treasures Book

It's time for the sixth Box of OMG, from the individuals who brought us  Box of Awesome, this box is aimed mainly at girls. In the two months since the last box arrived, they seem to have been working hard to stuff the box with goodies. 

There's also a competition at the end to win this months featured book, so keep readin


Death of The Funeral

Respect be dammed! A funeral contains secreted bottles of alcohol, a fashion parade, loud insults and an epic display of a clashing variety of addictions.
At least that's what I recently witnessed. My face twisted with disgust and my heart sick with shame. 


Rage Xbox 360 Competition [Ended]

Well this is the month for number crunching. We passed 40,000 views, beat 1000 in one day and halfway through the month we've passed 10,000.
As a little reward to all my followers I'm going to throw some more competitions.

First up Rage Anarchy Edition.
Brand new and still sealed, this was a bonus pack released in 2011 and available by pre-order. It was the winner of more than 20 E3 awards and comes with the bonus content of; Double Barrel Shotgun, Rat Rod Buggy,Fists of Rage and Crimson Elite Armour


Competition For All The Lovely Ladies  [Ended]

Spatopia  London  Dead Sea Body Wash 250ml. Obviously brand new and unopened. A great little gift for the woman in your life, or a cheeky wee treat for yourselves.


Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder Competition  [Ended]

Finally today we have a competition for best-selling Norwegian author Jo Nesbø's latest childrens novel. Part of a series of 4, its an absurdly humorous tale of children's crime sleuthing.


Competition For Odd Squad Book  [Ended]

Well we skipped January, but Box of Awesome are back with their 7th box. The stickers are back in force, along with a new toy, book and a TMNT toy. Whilst not as bountiful as I would have hoped after the short interlude and disappointingly no mega box in sight. It was still a nice little box of goodies.

Click Here to read more....


Competition For 3 Free Steam Games  [Ended]

Well wowsers! My last competition was a massive success, I've decided to just jump straight on another one. This time the lucky winner will grab 3 games for PC gaming engine Steam;                     Overlord II,  DiRT Showdown, DiRT 3 


Celebration Competition For 5 Free Steam Games  [Ended]

To celebrate my first year and passing the amazing milestone of 20,000 views I've decided to run my very first competition (so go easy on me!). I'm using Rafflecopter and I think I've managed to cover most of the social media outlets, if you have a different preference or any other suggestions, let me know for next time and I'll do my best to accommodate.

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New Year 2014 Resolutions

New Year ... New You, every year its the same trite lists of excuses and promises. Lists of New Year Resolutions composed by insecure people who believe they are in need of a lifestyle change. Worse yet everyone believes they have to right to quiz you on your intentions, for no other reason than to decry your efforts when you fail. I resort to laughter when people ask my intentions for the coming year, and happily inform them that I intend to continue into the next year in the same way I've enjoyed this year. Nothing will get between me and a mammoth bar of chocolate, I will drink when the notion takes me, and exercise is much more fun when taken as a NERF battle or water fight.


Graffiti ~ Historic Art or Teenage Vandalism

Lately I have noticed an increase in Graffiti in my area, not the silly playground type. With their names and lists of loves, but a gentler almost innocent message. Akin to a John Lennon sentiment, these come in a variety of forms. All sharing the same message of giving love.


Don't Tell The Bride' About The Bridesmaids

Now I'm about to commit an awful crime, so go easy on me here. Like everyone else I have a dirty secret television viewing pleasure. I would love people to believe it was something as mentally stimulating as watching 'Wonders of Life' to drool overBrian Cox, like every other woman I know (at least there's a chance of intelligence facts seeping in).

My secret pleasure is so much worse, akin to eating raw sugar rather than a sugar styled treat, and far more soppy and emotionally needy than I should be comfortable admitting. Don't Tell The Bride.


October 2013 ~ Collective Images of Scotland

As the nights draw in and light vanishes before the work day ends, I have collated my collection of October images into a slideshow. This could be my last chance for sunsets for a while and I though it would be a fitting farewell to any chance of bright skies.
So enjoy these pictures, and look forward to the extreme weather conditions which will dominate the next few months.

October 2013 ~ Images of Scotland
This month I decided to further explore my capabilities and try for the artistic shots often viewed in galleries. In the hope of improving my stance as a successful amateur photographer, I did what any 'amateur would do; Sepia. Feel free to laugh, because as someone with a great love of colour and shading why this was my route is honestly a complete unknown. Lesson was truly learnt, but in the process there were a couple of colour drained images that did hold a certain appeal. Hence I will inflict them upon my valued reader in the hope of pointers and constructive criticism.


Hope For Creativity

Founded by Moira Landry, Hope for Creativity is a non- profit charity organisation aimed at providing art supplies to children in homeless shelters. Since 2009 she has personally delivered thousands of art packs to homeless shelters in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and at 17 has been named as a Distinguished Finalist by the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards. She fully supports her charity and raises the awareness of homelessness and the affect on children in particular.


September 2013 ~ Images of Scotland

As September roars into life, the remnants of Summer are swept away by the bitter gusting, the wind emphatically shouting its power. The rain dashes the windows and throws itself at umbrellas with a vehemence conviction, as if vying with the other forces of nature for our attention. We hustle through the streets, blind to all but our own misery, as the strength of nature reigns supreme.


Musical Memories ~ Rhianna/ Diamonds

Sometimes in our life there's a song that epitomises a moment in our lives. A moment, that lives forever in the lyrics and hauntingly reminds you of that one memory. A sad break up song played on repeat, the song that was playing when love first found a couple, or a simple song hearkening from your childhood happiness. Usually its a current song, or dating from old mix tapes, but recently I've realised this isn't always the case.

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Brentwood Council vs TOWIE : Battle of the Scantily Clad!

Well hello, you deliciously avid readers, it seems to be a slow month for product testing. Hence for a time I shall inflict my opinions on you and I dare say lose a few followers into the bargain. Whilst my opinion is not always the most thought out (or reasonable), it is still mine, and often mine alone. If something sparks an interest, feel free to comment. Your honest views are welcome, Though please be aware and considerate of my younger blog readers in your speech. Thank you.


"Lads Mags"... Taboo Territory?

Well it's been a while since I bothered you all with a blog post, especially one concerning my personal viewpoint! I'm sorry to say the headlines are irritating me again, this time its the elitist sensitivities of complainers.

Supermarkets have issued an ultimatum on 'Lad's Mag's' telling them to cover up or force being banned from the shelves. As far back as I can remember the top shelf of any magazine rack was dedicated to the perversion that is the human body, and supermarkets only stocked the more modest of these ranges. Yet it seems that the female human form is offensive to women and children.


Ruminations of The Feline Principles

Some people are dog people, some cat people. With a dog you know where you are, train it well and it will follow you to the end of the earth, tail wagging the whole way. It will always be pleased to see you, even after doing something wrong, it will still bounce with joy at your return. 
No-one truly owns a cat, their independence doesn't allow for domestication.

Click Here to read more....


Skinny- Tones and Shading

A lot of my sketching has concentrated primarily on scenery and landscapes and, as the previous post proves, my people skills were lacking. So I set my self the task of portraying bodies in a more realistic way. Concentrating on skin tone and shading, I discovered that I have a habit of working in cooler shades. In particular, blue became my default shade for initial sketching and detailing of bone structure and shadows, whilst yellows and greens were lighting and highlighting. I can't bring myself to do stylised and popular body shapes, preferring the natural curves and style of the voluptuous Rubenesque. Particularly with female shape, I believe that naturally women are curvy and fuller figured, perhaps this is merely a reflection of myself.


Sketching The Time Away

 There's something to be said for the time before the internet and public sharing of our inner selves, fewer people were exposed to our failures and hopes. Though I have found as time passes, even the poorer of my artistic attempts shows a glimmer of talent in one area or another.


Murals of The Imagination

Like so many others I have more than dabbled with my artistic side, and generally come to the conclusion that mine has been on a permanent holiday since I left behind finger painting. Right through school I was constantly doodling and scribbled in the margins of every jotter. Losing my 'art work' in a house move shortly after leaving school seemed like a giant cosmic sign.

However of late I have suffered from crazed notions that my art is not only worthwhile, but also beautiful. Needless to say the old adage of beauty being in the eye of the beholder still applies, but I dare say there's a partially sighted person out there whom would fall in love with my work. Unfortunately for them, most of my work is firmly attached to the walls of my house.


The Disrespect of the British Public

After the recent death of a world famous politician, I was disgusted to note that the old adage of ' Don't speak ill of the dead' had been laughable tossed aside. People who have no interest in politics brandishing torches in an illogical witch hunt. This woman was the son of a grocer who went to Oxford, she was a research chemist who later retrained to be a Barrister. This was what a single woman achieved in 1954, a time typical of extreme sexism and stay at home wives. To come from such humble beginnings to world wide fame, and the ignorant chose to dance on her grave. 


Aspiring Textual Failure
Currently in the process of attempting another novel, yes folks yet another aspiring writer! 

I have started so many over the years, but between poor planning and inefficient time management I have never really 'made it' so to speak. Plus the popularity of E-reader's have allegedly made it more achievable.
I have been an avid reader for years now.. (decades make me sound too old!).. I remember the despair at the poor choice of teenage novels and hence my jump to adult fiction at an early age. 


Travelling Gypsy Found Her Foundations
Me, Myself, and I
Hi my name is Shian Thomson, and you might recognise me from such schools as;


Box of OMG Review ~ Box 7 Competition  [Ended]

It's time for the seventh Box of OMG, from the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome, this box is aimed mainly at girls. As usual the goodies were varied to appeal to a range of ages, but you have got to love a Moshi Monsters plushy. 
There's also a competition at the end to win this months featured book, so keep reading!


Box of Awesome Review ~ Box 9 Competition [Ended]

Box 9 of Box of Awesome is full of lots of paper was my initial reaction, but after a quick ruffle through the pile I was actually quite impressed with the haul this time. From sweets to books, and a jumbo collection of Wheres Wally, which sent me right back to childhood! I received the Mega Box this time, and there's a competition at the end so keep reading.


It's time for the sixth Box of OMGfrom the individuals who brought us  Box of Awesome, this box is aimed mainly at girls. In the two months since the last box arrived, they seem to have been working hard to stuff the box with goodies. 

There's also a competition at the end to win this months featured book, so keep reading!


 Box 8 of Box of Awesome's bundle of goodies is full of lots of popular bits and pieces, from sweets to books from popular television shows. I received the Mega Box this time, and there's a competition at the end so keep reading.


After a break over Christmas this is the fifth Box of OMG to land on our doorsteps. From the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome and aimed mainly at girls. Despite the short break from receiving goodies this box felt a little sparse with a plethora of stickers, a book and some 10p sweets. Perhaps those lucky enough to get the Mega box had more luck, but not me this time.

Well we skipped January, but Box of Awesome are back with their 7th box. The stickers are back in force, along with a new toy, book and a TMNT toy. Whilst not as bountiful as I would have hoped after the short interlude and disappointingly no mega box in sight. It was still a nice little box of goodies.


As December gets under way, Box of Awesome launches into its sixth box. The collectables have again made a resurgence, along with a new toy, book and a TMNT leaflet. I'm a big enough fan to remember Splinter's gang from the very first series, and I confess that I find the newNickelodeon 'concept' imagery about as visually appealing as the TMNT movies. 'Give everything a chance and judge not, lest you be judged also.'

This is the fourth (time really does fly!) Box of OMG  to land on our doorsteps. From the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome and aimed mainly at girls. Advertised primarily through social media sites, this is definitely growing in popularity. Companies have saw the proof of advertising in the first Boxes and have an interesting collection in this one. The box is filled with goodies, collectables and digital options. 

Click Here to read more....

I had a slight delay with this post, my fifth Box of Awesome wasn't delivered in the same batch as everyone else's. However after a quick tweet (Yes I'm on Twitter as well! ), the lovely folks sorted that out and rushed me a box of goodies. This months felt a lot lighter than previous bundles, and this was confirmed when I opened my goodies. Despite a couple of new things the rest seemed like leftovers from previous editions.


This is the third Box of OMG  to land on our doorsteps. From the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome and aimed mainly at girls. Advertised primarily through social media sites, this is definitely growing in popularity. Companies have saw the proof of advertising in the first Boxes and have an interesting collection in this one. The box is filled with goodies, collectables and digital options.                  


It doesn't feel like Box of Awesome has been delivering goodies for this long but now we're onto box 4. As you can see there's a plethora of stickers and cards as well as some interesting looking fresh meat for us greedy consumers.

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This particular edition of Box of OMG is the Paradise Wildlife Park limited edition, handed out on the 22nd and 3rd of August in the zoo. Box 2.5 if it makes more sense! The box is filled with goodies, collectables and digital options.


Here we go with box 3 of Box of Awesome's latest unveiling of their special goody bundle. As usual there's a very mixed bundle with a hefty amount of collectables and some new comers, including some online offers.


As I've mentioned in previous Box of OMG posts (One +Two) there was a book meant to be included in the boxes. Well it has finally arrived, complete with the original box and contents. I had been expecting a bubble wrap envelope containing the missing book, receiving the whole box again was quite a bonus. This goes quite a way to quelling the complaints of avid readers and restoring faith in Box of OMG.


As promised here is my second box review for Box of OMG; whilst there are similarities in products, the content seems much fuller and more rounded.

This is the second Box of OMG  to land on our doorsteps. From the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome and aimed mainly at girls. Advertised primarily through social media sites, this is definitely growing in popularity. Companies have saw the proof of advertising in the first Boxes and have an interesting collection in this one. The box is filled with goodies, collectables and digital options.

This is the second Box of OMG  to land on our doorsteps. From the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome and aimed mainly at girls. Advertised primarily through social media sites, this is definitely growing in popularity. Companies have saw the proof of advertising in the first Boxes and have an interesting collection in this one. The box is filled with goodies, collectables and digital options.


Being savvy enough to guarantee a free second Box of Awesome by subscribing I wasn't hugely surprised when this one arrived. Weighing in a lot lighter than the previous one I was very eager to find out what all was hidden away inside.
Much less neon orange ribbon than last time, and the contents seem decidedly paper orientated. There's less in this box than the previous one and the quality of the items are about the same.


This first Box of OMG is from the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome . Aimed primarily at girls and advertised primarily through social media sites, this is another sure-fire popular craze. Companies have saw the proof of advertising in the first Boxes and have been more generous with this one. The box is filled with goodies, collectables and digital options.


I first heard of the marketing genius 'Box of Awesome' from Swapit (an ebay for children), and being me promptly signed up for more information.

The idea behind the campaign was to send out boxes filled with media, games and general things of interest. A great idea for raising the awareness of new products and gaining feedback. They ran a brief advert on television (BOA advert) , but most of their marketing was done via social media. When I joined at the start of February there was a paltry 350 Facebook liker's now there over 3,500, Twitter has seen a slower increase but is creeping up on 900 followers.


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