Friday 20 September 2013

Box of OMG ~ Box 3

This is the third Box of OMG  to land on our doorsteps. From the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome and aimed mainly at girls. Advertised primarily through social media sites, this is definitely growing in popularity. Companies have saw the proof of advertising in the first Boxes and have an interesting collection in this one. The box is filled with goodies, collectables and digital options.                  

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Box of Awesome Review ~ Box 4

It doesn't feel like Box of Awesome has been delivering goodies for this long but now we're onto box 4. As you can see there's a plethora of stickers and cards as well as some interesting looking fresh meat for us greedy consumers.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Dead Rising 2 ~ The Watcher

The three year old Dead Rising 2 ( Capcom), had been owned before and much loved by the junior free roamers, but had held little appeal for the ControllerCurrently available to buy for the princely sum of £10-15, it was free to download from the 16th of August until the 31st. Giving the game another go involved some boredom, the lure of achievement points and constant badgering from fellow Xbox'ers. 

At first glance its little more than 'another zombie game'. Set in the Vegas style 'Fortune City', there's an impressive zombie outbreak which Chuck is framed for. The game revolves around the personal story of defending and providing medicine for Chuck's whiny daughter, Katey, whilst battling the hoards to clear your name.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Box of OMG ~ Paradise Wildlife Park Limited Edition!

Box of OMG is from the individuals who brought us Box of Awesome . Aimed primarily at girls and advertised primarily through social media sites, this is another sure-fire popular craze. Companies have saw the proof of advertising in the first Boxes and have been more generous with this one. The box is filled with goodies, collectables and digital options.


This particular edition is the Paradise Wildlife Park limited edition, handed out on the 22nd and 3rd of August in the zoo. The zoo is based in Herfordshire and has great travel links, and despite the high entrance fees, access to over 400 animals and regular events makes it a worth while day out for the whole family. 

The box I received wasn't one of the more special ones with a SpongeBob SquarePants talking plush toy inside. I also missed out on a signed copy of Jacqueline Wilson's new book Diamond, as well as attending the launch event.

Monday 2 September 2013

September 2013 ~ Images of Scotland

As September roars into life, the remnants of Summer are swept away by the bitter gusting, the wind emphatically shouting its power. The rain dashes the windows and throws itself at umbrellas with a vehemence conviction, as if vying with the other forces of nature for our attention. We hustle through the streets, blind to all but our own misery, as the strength of nature reigns supreme.