Wednesday 30 March 2016

Watership Down ~ Who Knew It Was Traumatic?

I love the outrage that flies so easily to the surface when parents randomly decide to take umbrage at some imagined slight, and become fully fledged flag waving advocates of wrapping our young in cotton wool.
Yes I do fully understand the need to shield our offspring from the greater evils of the surrounding world. However I find the hypocritical outcry over a poor choice in an aired television film distasteful.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Bzzagent Garnier Ultimate Blends Body Review

I've been trying the Ultimate Blends collection from Garnier as part of my latest Bzz campaign. I was lucky enough to chose from a range of four different product ranges. Considering I live in Scotland and my skin is in a weather appropriate condition I decided to test out the Honey Treasures for Very Dry Skin.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Gateway Taxes and Psychic Powers ~ British Budget 2016

The sugar tax on fizzy drinks is designed under the guise of making our national poor diet seem more healthy. In reality all it will do is give the government more money, although they claim it will allow for an extra £20 million a year for dedicated funding for sports in Primary schools.