Thursday 30 March 2017

Indyref Take 2 ~ Anti Scottish Establishment

At the risk of turning into a pseudo political rant blog I must admit extreme disappointment with the uneducated response to a second Independence referendum for Scotland. The fake newspapers and BBC outlets all decried Scotlands chance for freedom, even STV insinuated that to offer voters a chance to decided based on the changed situation was a poor mistake.

Monday 27 March 2017

Westminster ~ Bigots and the Globally Blind

 First off let me state clearly that I not only have no respect for any for of terrorist or live taker. I believe that this attack was a disgusting act by someone who had no moral compass.
I also found the outpouring of pity to be largely hidden by the sheer mass of uneducated racists. Bigots that sought to monopolise on the fear by spouting their ridiculous beliefs. Beliefs that almost directly mirrored that of the ISIS terrorists.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Savvy Circle Daz For Whites and Colours Review

I'm a member of SupersavvymeUK, Super Savvy Me and the Savvy Circle and love the benefits of testing new products for free and being the first to find out about new gadgets and gimmicks. This campaign was for Daz for Whites and Colours.