Monday 27 March 2017

Westminster ~ Bigots and the Globally Blind

 First off let me state clearly that I not only have no respect for any for of terrorist or live taker. I believe that this attack was a disgusting act by someone who had no moral compass.
I also found the outpouring of pity to be largely hidden by the sheer mass of uneducated racists. Bigots that sought to monopolise on the fear by spouting their ridiculous beliefs. Beliefs that almost directly mirrored that of the ISIS terrorists.

Here is snippet from a "Real" news site:
➡➡➡ Not all Muslims are terrorists. But 99.9% of terrorists are Muslim. I used to think it was only certain Muslims raised in certain cultures. Remote clans. But we have all learned, even when born and raised in a western civilization, they STILL have that tendency. 

Well "Good Sir" the definition of a terrorist :
"The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
Are you really going to spout that nonsense that every person or group that creates terror and intimidation is of one religion? I guess the Crusades aren't taught in your schools? Or the butchering done in the name of Christianity? Or the Governments that agree to war for land or oil?
Golly gosh with the number of Muslims in the world we would all be dead or converted if this was truly the case. Out of the idiots I read and listened to this one really came out on top with their Nazi themed response.

Then of course there was the lack of common sense and journalistic capabilities. I'm not naturally a conspiracy theorist but in this day and age with technology available to us is hard not to see a darker side to news stories.

For example stating that a man currently in prison was responsible, a witness claiming that the perpetrator was shooting a gun.  Then we have the strange coincidences of terrorist training due to commence near Westminster, and strange precognitive posts by Emergency Services.

All this happened when our Government is joining hands to bomb innocents around the world, what's the matter don't they have oil or money?... But that's for a different post.

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