Tuesday 22 October 2013

Savvy Circle New Lenor Spring Awakening Review

I'm a a member of +SupersavvymeUK  Super Savvy Me and the Savvy Circle and love the benefits of testing new products for free and being the first to find out about new gadgets and gimmicks. 
This campaign was for Lenor Spring Awakening fabric softener . It takes place over the space of 8 weeks and is shared with 5000 other members, boy that's a lot of washing! We all received a full sized bottle of Lenor Spring Awaking (21 washes), 20 individual samples, 10x 50p off vouchers to share and a handy USB stick with information on the campaign and product. 
This Fabric Softener claims to not only soften clothes, but its redesigned liquid will fully penetrated all clothing. Which will allow a more uniform coverage and make them last longer as well .

I found the bumper sized pack a relief, with more than enough samples to go around. The USB is handy as well, though not all the videos opened, this was rectified by the Savvy Circle uploading them to their blog here

The Videos depict the difference between previous versions and the latest one, without involving any other competition brands. A great way of showcasing their confidence in their product.

I like the 4 new ranges, although the 'Vitality' would have to be my favourite; I think clothes are better with the added zing.

However the campaign is for Soft and Fresh; Spring Awaking Scent. As such I honestly found the scent  to be poor and nondescript. I use fabric softener for fragrance as well as softness, and I was very disappointed. The scent should have been stronger and clearer.

However as a fan of the more tangy scents that is definitely personal preference, and I'm sure some people might find it completely the opposite.

Having used fabric softener over the years I always found it great for everything apart from towels, but lets not get into the soft /hard towel debate now. Their claims are true, it does appear to coat every thread, and fully permeate clothing. However I find that it left a greasy film behind, even after 2 washes to try and remove the Lenor. The clothes felt wrong and fabrics lost  their individual texture, jeans are really not meant to feel like silk.

Despite my discontinued usage, it made another reappearance when my partner decided to help out with the washing. Yup, you guessed it, a towel wash. Cue a marital breakdown over soft towels, and not just normal soft towels. Super soft. The Lenor had robbed any absorbency potential and left behind a greasy film. I would never have thought towels could be rendered useless!

This was definitely a bumper test package, with great potential for sharing,  Procter & Gamble's marketing truly did them proud with the thought that went into this word of mouth campaign.
This time, I have to say that this isn't a softener I would choose to use again.

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